Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/597

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charms, 430-3, 435, 437, 440-1, 445 ; house guardians, 439-40 Heel : indicates descent, N. Amer- ica etc., 273 Helen of Troy, in legend, 138 Heliopolis : sacred tree, 149 Hell : prevention of return from,


Hell-hounds, see Dog

Hempen cord : as amulet, India, 328

Hen : in dream, Assam, 312 ; in fetish ceremony, Congo, 463 ; in folk-tales, Armenia, 371, Togo, 258 ; white, in love charm, Eng- land, 376

Hephaistos : as lightning, 65-6 ; symbols, 65 (plate)

Heracles : fear fatal in encounter of, 157 ; mallet, 66 ; sun-god, 66

Herbs in folklore, see Plants in folklore

Hercules : mallet, 66

Heredity : healing powers from, India, 83-6

Heredity and Tradition, by G. L. Gomme, 385-6

Hernia : cured by nganga, Congo, 467

Herrod's and Bose's saga, 72

Hervey island : chief's fly whisk, 3

Hesione legend, 141

High Albania, by M. E. Durham, reviewed, 250-1

Highlands : (see also under coun- ties) ; charms and rhyming prayers, 436, 440

Hildburgh, W. L. ; exhibits, 9, 131, 269

Hints to Collectors of Folklore, 229

Hippopotamus : in folk-tales, Af- rica, 200, 203, 260

Hisperica famina, 425-8

Hissdr : curing by charms, 84-5

Histoire de I'iinagerie populaire Flamande. by E. H. van Heurck and G. J. Boekenoogen, re- viewed, 527-9

Historical tradition, accuracy of, 182

Hittites : axes of gods, 62 (plate)

Hobby-horse : in horn dance, Ab- bot's Bromley, 26, 39 ; Stafford- shire etc., 248-9

Hodson, T. C. : Some Naga Cus- toms and Superstitions, 268, 296- 312

Holed stones : amulets, Antrim, 7

Holi feast, India, 86

Holkam : burial of bone splinters, 105

Holly-tree : Christmas greens, Wor- cester, 263 ; in church decora- tion, Castleton, 24

Homicide, see Death and funeral customs and beliefs

Hooden Horse, The, by P. May- lam, reviewed, 246-9

Hoods : funeral, Salop, 6

Hope : marriage custom, 38 ; in proverb, 23

Hornet : black, as remedy, Sirmur, 504 ; spirit reborn as, Assam, 301

Horns : borne in dance. Abbot's Bromley, 26, 29, 39

Horoscopes : Ceylon, 268

Horse : (see also Death-horse ; Hooden Horse ; Phooka ; Water- horse) ; black, in charm, India, 324 ; bride rides mare, Palestine, 291 ; charms for, Germany, 438, Ireland, 437 ; draws Indra's chariot, 61 ; in folk-tales, Ar- menia, 366, 370 ; head in harvest customs, Assam, 262 ; Horse Charms and Superstitions, by E. Lovett and A. R. Wright, 3, 9 ; skull as Indra's bolt, 61 ; spirit, Clare, 481-2 ; supernatural, Clare, 482 ; toy, Russia, 4

Horse-shoes : exhibited, 3

Hos : folk-tales, 125

Hoshiarpur : folk-medicine, 317, 328

Hound, see Dog

How Far is the Lore of the Folk Racial? by A. Nutt, 379-84

Huddersfield : gift on child's first visit, 225

Hui Corra, voyage of, 484

Hull, Eleanor : The Ancient Hymn- charms of Ireland, 131, 417-46 ; The Future Work of the Folk- Lore Society, 101-2 ; review by, — Plummer's Vitce Sanctorum Hibernice, 401-8

Hunting customs and beliefs : amulets, Africa, 161, Eskimo, 177 ; annual hunts, England, 30- 3 ; nganga, Congo, 456-7, 467 ; omens, Yorks, 226 ; protective rites, Kaflfirs, 161 ; tabus, Assam, 307 ; town charm, Congo, 456-7

Hyaena : in folk-tales, Africa, 200-