Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/618

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Wild cat : in follc-tales, Africa, 210- 1, 260

Wild Huntsman : Malays, 162-3 ! Wales, 120-1

Will-o-the-wisps, 340

Willow-tree : ' palms ' not in house before Palm Sunday, Surrey, 224

Winchester : horse ornaments, 3

Winding wool unlucky, Yorks, 227

Windle, B. C. A. : reviews by, — Peabody's Certain Quests and Doles, 410-1 ; Ker's On the His- tory of the Ballads, 409-10; Tup- per's The Riddles of the Exeter Book, 413 ; Studies in English and Comparative Literature, 409

Window : omen from shutting of, Sicily, 174

Winds : in folklore, Wales, 118

Wingate, J. S. : Armenian Folk- Tales, 217-22, 365-71, 507-11

Winkworth Hollow : cross in turf,


Witchcraft : (see also Amulets and talismans ; Charms and spells ; Magic ; Witches ; Wizards) ; at- tacked by sympathetic magic, 150, 163-4; attacks weak, 148; dangerous to answer witch's questions, Lincolnshire, 158 ; in folk-tales, Armenia, 367, India, 125 ; in N. Scotland, 264

Witches: Wales, 118

Witch-finders : Lower Congo, 448, 453-4. 459-60, 465

Wizards : book and mirror. East Indies, 2 ; The Congo Medicine- man and his Black and White Magic, by J. H. Weeks, 130, 447-71 ; inoculated by lightning- struck objects, Zulus, 160

Wolf : clan, Senecas, 127 ; danger- ous if not seen first, 163 ; in folk-tale, Armenia, 366, Ireland, 478 ; in imprecation, Chukchi,

155 Woman : (see also Birth customs and beliefs ; Catamenia ; Concep- tion ; Girls ; Marriage customs and beliefs ; Mother-right ; Widows ; Witches) ; breasts, origin of, Togo, 258 ; food tabus, Assam, 305 ; not reincarnated, Assam, 300

Wombe : exorcism, 453 ; ventrilo- quism, 453

Woodstock : right-of-way, 32

Wood-pigeon : in folk-tale, Africa, 209

Woolston Well : St Winifred's blood, 6

Worcestershire Parish in the Olden Time, A, noticed, 263

Wounds : charm against, India, 325, Ireland, 438 ; cures for, India, 321

Wren : annual hunt, 30

Wright, A. R. : exhibits by, 2-3, 6, 9, 265 ; The Burial of Amputated Limbs, 387 ; Good Men have no Stomachs, 105-6 ; reviews by, — Dayrell's Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, 258-60 ; van Heurck's and Boekenoogen's Histoire de I'imagerie populaire Flamande, 527-9 ; Schonharl's Volkskiindliches aus Togo, 258-9

Wychwood Forest : festival, 32

Yak : reverenced, Garos, 261

Yakusu : good men have no stomachs, 105-6

Yalafath, deity, Uap, 517, 536

Yao, 123

Yorkshire : (see also Castleford ; Craven ; Featherstone ; Hudders- field ; Knottingley ; Normanton ; Pontefract : Scarborough : Whit- by) ; The West Riding Teachers' Anthropological Society, by Bar- bara Freire-Marreco, 103-4, ^^'^ L. M. Eyre, 236

Yoruba : folk-tale, 260

Youngest son, inheritance by, 19- 20

Yule, see Christmastide

Zacualco : sympathetic magic, 129 Zaghareet, 288 Zakhanke : folk-medicine, 321 Zamingai : folk-medicine, 315 Zaria : in folk-tale, Hausas, 205 Zeus : carries lightning, 65 ; caves of, Crete, 134-5, ^37 > O'"" coins, 62, 65 (plate) ; in Greek religion, 133 ; Idaean, 136 ; Labrandeus or Stratios, 62 ; Trinity connected with, 65 Zulus, see Amazulu

■Glasgow: printed at the university press by Robert maclehose and go." ltd.