Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 7, 1896.djvu/458

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British New Guinea. Annual Report for 1894-5. C. King, Notes on Native Tenure and other Customs of the Bartle Bay District. C. E. Kennedy, Notes on Native Land Tenure and other Customs of the Natives of Taupota and neighbourhood. L. Loria, Notes on Ancient War Customs of the Natives of Logea and neighbourhood. B. A. Hely, Notes on Totemism, &c., among the Western Tribes. [Under Sir William Macgregor's enlightened administration reports are made from time to time on the native customs and beliefs.]
Contemporary Review, September. A. Werner, African Folk-lore.
Internationales Archiv. für Ethnographie, viij, 5 and 6. C. Sapper, Die Gebräuche und religiosen Auschauungen der Kekchí-Indianer. J. W. Fewkes, Provisional List of Annual Ceremonials at Walpi.—ix, 1. F. S. Krauss, Bojagié Alile's Gluck and Grab.—3. L. Frobenius, Stilgerechte Phantasie. [It may be well to take the opportunity again to commend this invaluable periodical to all students. A considerable proportion of its pages is devoted to folklore pure and simple; and the discussions it contains on savage and barbarous arts and industries often throw important side-lights on questions of folklore. M. Schmeltz is an admirable editor; and his collaborators include not only a number of distinguished savants on the continent, but also Professor Tylor in this country and Professor Boas in the United States.]
L'Anthropologie, vij, 4. E. Piette, Etudes d'Ethnographie Préhistorique. [Incidental notice of folklore of vipers in the Pyrenees.] G. Paroisse, Notes Sur les Peuplades Autochtones de la Guinée Française. Dr. Tautain, Sur l'Anthropophagie et les Sacrifices Humains aux Îles Marquises.
Monist, January. Chinese Philosophy [including Divination].
Societé Jersiaise, 21me Bulletin Annual. E. Duprey, Recettes Médicales d'autrefois à Jersey.