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Time was, coming forth together,
    She and Spring might seem
Like the beautiful creations
    Of a morning dream;
Each went through the quiet greenwood
    Wandering alone,
With the green leaves and wild flowers
    O'er their pathway strown.

Of the seasons in the year
Spring seemed fittest to be near
The old knight's lovely daughter,
       The gentle Alice Lee.

Round her head the locks are golden,
    So the sun in June
Pours his glory o'er the summer
    At his crystal noon;
From that shining hair, when parted,
    Came the pure high brow,
With the carving of a statue,
    With the mountain's snow.

Blue her eyes as yon blue heaven,
Nature every charm had given
To the old knight's lovely daughter,
      The gentle Alice Lee.

But it was the inward beauty
    Breathing from her face,
That gave every look and motion
    Its diviner grace;