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PRE FA C E, The uiiliuvful ami oppressive acts of ]Mr. Liueohi, his advisers and jiilHirdinates. during the war between tliis Guverurueut aud that "t" the Conr'ederate States, will liere- after constitute no ijisiguitieaut porti^'U of the liistury of these times. As one of the vietiuis of the despotism, which lie succeeded iu maiutaiuing, in the Xortherii aud Border States for so long a period, I desire to add my testimony to that which has been heretofore fiu-nished, hi relation to the out- rages perpetrated uuder his Administration ; aud I give pub- licity to this statement nuw, while the facts are fresh in the recollection of the [)ublic, lest any one should at some remoter period venture to d ail it its accuracy. I do not propose to discuss the absurdity uf the thouries on which 'Mr. LincHlu claimed to exercise arbitrary power, nur the imbecility of his course. It is proper, however, in giving an account (.'f the treatment to which, in common with hundreds of other men. I was fcubjeeted, to refer brietly to the jiosition of afiairs iu Maryland, and the ubject of ]Ir. Lincoln in inflicting on myself and my fellow sutferers the indignities and wmngs which we so long endured. Up to the time wlien the dis>'.i- lution of the Uni'.m became, to nii'.'-t intelligent uien, a patent fact, the people of 3Iaryland had unanimously desired and striven fur its perjietuatiou. Though they feared that the au'"Tessive principles and growing ptiwer uf the Eepubli'^an partv would, befbre many years, bring about a separatitai of the twci sectiijns uf ihe country, and tb'iugh they believed that the conduct W 3[r. Liuodn and his party justified the action of the Suuth, they still h'.ped ;in'.l labuurcd fir the