Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/169

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���Gerard C r e monensis



���jEcaufe Aflronomy is fo tranfcedent andfiibtil an Arr in ic felf , that therein a man ought to have refped unto fo many things before he can attaine to true judgment thereby, becaufe the eye of the underflanding will noc pierce unto the half thereof, and few Doftors of our later time have been found fo experienced therein that they know fufficiently how to judge thereby fTherefore I have compofed this work, which 1 will have to be named, Agronomical Geo- mancj ; wherein, I will fufficiently teach how to judge with lefs labour and fludy. For in thisprefent fcience it is not re- quifite to be hold neither the Afcendant, northehour in a Table, as it is in Aftrology.

It is expedient therefore, to make fourunequal lines , by the points cafually fetdown ; and to joyne together thofe points; and out of the points which are not joyned together, which do remain in the heads of the lines, (as it is done in Geomancie) extract one figure ; and thefigne of the Zodi- tfc-j^that anfwereth to that figure, put for the Afcendent, for the words fake. If Acquiftio arife from the heads of thofe ^u'lfition,

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