Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/195

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Arbatel of CMdgick. 1 8 »

will the help of God fhine forth , according to the faying of Pfrilo.

Thoujhalt love the Lord th/God with all thy hearty and with nil thyjlrength , and thy neighbour m thy f elf : And the Lord will keep thee as the apple of his eye , and will deliver thee from all evil, and will replenifh thee with all good ; and nothing (lull thy foul defire , but thou (halt be fully endued therewith , fo that it be contingent to the falvation of thy foul and body.

<iAphor. 6.

Whatfoever thou haft learned , frequendy repeat> and fix the fame in thy minde : and learn much,but not many things, becaufe a humane undemanding cannot be alike capable in all things,unlefs itbefuch a one that is divinely regenerated; unto him nothing is fo difficult or manifold , which he may not be able equally to atcain to.

zAphor. 7.

C"ll upon me in the day of trouble , and I will hear thee } and thou (halt glorifie me> faith, the Lord. For all Ignorance is tri- bulation of the minde ; therefore call upon the Lord in thy Ignorance, and he will hear thee. And remember chat thou give honour unto God, and fay with the Pfalmift, Net unto ttty Lordy not unto u* y but unto thy Name give the glory.

The fecond Septenary.

-tAphor. 8.

Even as the Scripture teftifies, that God appointeth names

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