Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/214

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We do deteft all evil Magicians, who make themfelves af. fociateswith the devils with their unlawful fuperflitions, and do obtain and effeft fome things which God permitteth co be done,inflead of the puniflimenc of the devils. So alfo they do other evil a£ts,the devil being the authors the Scri- ptures teftifie o(Jnd<u. To thefe a re referred all idolaters of old, and of our age, and abufers of Fortune, fuch as the hea- thens are full of. And to thefe do appertain all Charontick evocation of Spirits, as the work of Saulmih the woman, and Lstcanns prophelie of the deceafed fouldiex , concerning the event of the Pharfalian war, and the like.

c/fphor.2 7.

Make a Circle with a center A , which is B. C. D. E. At the Eaft let there be B. C. a fquare. At the North,C. D. At the Weft,D. E. And at the South,E.D. Divide the feveral quadrants into feven parts , that there may be in the whole 28 pans : and let them be again divided into four parts, that there may be 1 1 2 parts of the Circle : and lb many are the true fecrets to be revealed. And this Circle in this maner di- vided,is thefeal of the fecrets of the world, which they draw from the onely center A, that is, from the invifible God, un- to the whole creature. The Prince of the Oriental fecrets is refidenc in the middle , and hath three Nobles on either fide, every one whereof hath four under him, andthePrince himfelf hath four appertaining unto him. And in this man- ner the other Princes and Nobles have their quadrants of fecrets, with their four fecrets. But the Oriental fecret is the fludy of all wifdom ; The Weft, of rtrengch ; The South, of tillage ; The North, of more rigid life. So that the Eafiern fecrets are commended co be the beft ; the Meridian to be mean ; and the Eaft and North to be lefler. The ufe of this feal of fecrets is , that thereby thou maift know whence theSpirits or Angels are produced, which may teach the fecrets del ivered unto them from God. But they have names taken from their offices and powers, according to the


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