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Why Defend the Nation?



ARE we doing all that is essential to insure that in the present and future this Nation shall not only endure, but shall healthily grow and develop in full keeping with the advance of science and of civilization, while still sacredly preserving American ideals?

Three hundred years ago this country was a virgin wilderness. Today it leads the world in power and wealth and in offering a desirable residence for free men. How did it all come about?

This Nation wasn't invented. It didn't “just grow.” It is an evolution, due to earnest effort of real men and women who, possessing high principles and high ideals, devoted their lives to them. It has cost much blood and treasure. It is ours to enjoy—ours to improve and glorify, and ours to perpetuate and hand on to posterity. This means we must ever defend it against all its foes, whether within or without; and the most subtle and dangerous foe is the one who works from within. This heritage is never to be regarded in the light of a personal gift, as we regard an inheritance of real or personal property; it is too precious, and other rights than our own is involved.

The ever increasing complexity and hurry of modern life are such that, unless purposeful effort be made to preserve and safeguard the national heritage, our oncoming generations may lose sight of those high ideals adherence to which has wrought this Nation—ideals which we today include under the term “Americanism.”

Our forefathers sought these shores to escape oppression and tyranny in one form and another—in a word, for freedom.