Page:From Anne Warren Weston to Deborah Weston Tuesday May 1 1838.pdf/5

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handsomely furnished and every thing goes on more like clock work than aught else. They are by no means Grahamites, & nothing can excel the quantity & excellence of the goodies. We were delightfully entertained & nothing can be pleasanter than all here. We all slept together very comfortably. E. has not had a s(?) minute & all her arrangements have gone on very well, perfectly easy. Today has been most lovely; the day as warm as summer. We went to Cherry St meeting this morning & heard the Luthers, or rather Mrs L. & Mary Cox, speak; also a brother & Lucretia made a most excellent prayer. After meeting James, his wife, Maria & company called at Daniel Neal's to see the Fullers, then at Mr Pennocks to see Abby Shelly then at Peter Wright's to see Saunton. Lucretia wanted to see all these people & have us see them. I cannot describe to you the kindneſs with which we were received; we were actually devoured, everybody begging us to come & see them any time & any way. You would be(?) astonished to see in what elegant style all these people live Great handsome houses, furnished with the utmost taste, though with great simplicity. Susan Luther & Mary Cox dined with (us?) in addition to the usual number. I thought of going to the Barnes' church with Mr Heim(?) in the afternoon but as he was not to preach I did not. Sarah Pugh called & I had an interesting talk with her. All P. who know aught of Angelina are thrown into hysterics at the way she is going to be married & all manner of gossip is circulated about them. Those of the L(?)akers have called upon them since their return. The women of Philadelphia are in rather a low state with regard to women's speaking, save a few. Mary Grew(?) stands just where she did; has not moved a step. At noon Stanton & Chase called. I tried to treat S. "like a dog" as Henry advised but he would'nt stay treated. He asked for Caroline & you & was very talkative. Mr Chase also called & other brethren. We thought some of going to Mr Furneſs' in the afternoon, but as we found they had no afternoon meeting we all went with S. Pugh to the meeting of the brethren friends. This was not as interesting as the Hicksites! Sarah Grimké was there & it was like meeting, own folks to see her. Angelina she said had been at friends meeting all day