Page:Full and true account, of the cruel sufferings of the passengers on board the brig Nancy bound for New-York.pdf/1

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A FULL and TRUE ACCOUNT, of the cruel Sufferings of the Passengers on board the BRIG NANCY bound for NEW-YORK being, a Relation of the barbarous and inhuman Treatment, which those EMIGRANTS, met with from the Captain and Ships Crew, by which near one hundred Passengers died before their Arrival at that Place in December last.

THAT the Brig belonged to Sunderland in Yorkshire; that the owners, or freighters concerned the voyage, were W———m P--rk -r, of London, merchant and his brother, J. P--rk-r, of Bicout island, in Scotland; and the undertaker of agent for fitting out the vessel, shipping and accommodating the passengers, &c. was R———t Gr-- y, of Southerland: that by agreement the vessel was to have been ready to set out early in the Summer, and tho’ it was expected, that the owners, and contracter would of their own accord provide every necessary of provision, and accomodation for the passengers, and that the captain would see such provision made, yet Mr. M‘Coy (one of the principal passengers, who embarked, with his Wife and children) prudently took care, that a written contract, mentioning the principal articles of provision, and allowance, for the people on the passage, &c. should be signed by the undertaker, and captain, before embarkation; and to the premeditated breach of contract, in the time of setting out (which was not till the 17th of September, when theground