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kindest manner consented to make the attempt, and that Niccolini was already commissioned to petition at the Vatican, in the name of the Grand Duke, for a full pardon for his chief philosopher.[1] But the ambassador had good reasons for thinking that it was too soon, and that it would certainly be in vain to ask for Galileo's entire release, and replied to this effect to Cioli, adding the advice not to do anything in it till autumn.[2] It was therefore decided at Florence, in consideration of Niccolini's doubts and his intimate knowledge of affairs at Rome, not to intervene with the Pope in favour of Galileo for two months, which decision was communicated by Bocchineri to the prisoner at Siena in a letter of 13th August.[3]

While Galileo was bearing his banishment in Siena, which Ascanio Piccolomini did all in his power to ameliorate, with resignation, and was even diligently at work on his "Dialoghi delle Nuove Scienze," war was being waged with great vigour against the Copernican doctrine at Rome, and the utmost efforts were being made to stifle it in Catholic countries in general, and in Italy in particular. Urban VIII. first visited with severe punishment all those dignitaries of the Church who, in virtue of their official position, had conduced to the publication of the "Dialogues." Father Riccardi was deprived of his office, and the Inquisitor at Florence was reprimanded for having given permission to print the work.[4] In accordance with a decree passed in the sitting of the Congregation of 16th June, 1633, the sentence on, and recantation of, Galileo were sent to all the nunciatures of Europe, as well as to all archbishops, bishops, and inquisitors of Italy. The form in which this commission was issued

  1. Comp. the letters of Cioli and Geri Bocchineri to Galileo of 28th July. (Op. ix. pp. 278, 279.)
  2. Niccolini's despatch to Cioli of 7th August. (Op. ix. p. 447.)
  3. Op. ix. pp. 383, 384.
  4. Vat. MS. fol. 476 vo. and 493 ro.; also Gherardi's Documents, Doc. xviii.