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bastic inscription.[1] In 1693 Viviani, whose greatest pride it was to sign himself "Discépolo ultimo di Galileo," erected the first public monument to his immortal master. The front of his handsome house in the Via San Antonio was made to serve for it, for he placed the bronze bust of Galileo, after the model of the famous sculptor, Giovanni Caccini, over the door. A long eulogy on Galileo was engraved over and on both sides of it.[2]

But Viviani was not content with thus piously honouring the memory of the master; in his last will he enjoined on his heirs to erect a splendid monument to him, which was to cost about 4000 scudi, in the Church of Santa Croce.[3] Decades, however, passed after Viviani's death before his heirs thought of fulfilling his wishes. At length, in 1734, the preliminary steps were taken by an inquiry from the Convent of Santa Croce, whether any decree of the Holy Congregation existed which would forbid the erection of such a monument in the Church. The Inquisitor at Florence immediately inquired of the Holy Office at Rome whether it would be permitted thus to honour a man "who had been condemned for notorious errors."[4] The opinion of the counsellors of the Holy Office was taken. They said that there was nothing to prevent the erection of the monument, provided the intended inscription were submitted to the Holy Congregation, that they might give such orders about it as they thought proper.[5] This opinion was confirmed by the Congregation of the Holy Office on 16th June, 1734.[6] And so the pompous monument to Galileo, which displayed the tastelessness of the age, and was not completed till four years later, could be raised in the Church

  1. Op. xv. p. 405.
  2. See for more on the subject, Nelli, vol. ii. pp. 850-867.
  3. Nelli, vol. ii. pp. 874-876.
  4. Letter of the Inquisitor Fra Paolo Ambr. of 8th June, 1734, to the College of Cardinals at Rome. (See Vat. MS. fol. 558 ro.)
  5. Vat. MS. fol. 56l vo.
  6. Vat. MS. fol. 561 vo., and Gherardi's Documents, Doc. xxxii.