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Good Offices for Galileo, 16–198. Visits him at Arcetri, 273. At Florence, 295.

  • Firenzuola, Maccolani da, 201, 217, 218, 248. Letter to Card. Barberini, 213-215.
  • Foscarini on the Copernican System, 61, 63.
  • Galileo Galilei Birth at Pisa, 3. Early years, 4. Goes to University of Pisa, 5. Studies Medicine, 5. Discovery of Isochronism of Pendulum, 6. First study of Mathematics, 7. Professor at Pisa, 9. Resigns, 11. Professor at Padua, 11, 16, 19. Writes Treatises, 11. Inventions, 12. Makes a Telescope, 17. Exhibits it at Venice, 18. Telescopic Discoveries, 19, 20. Magini's attack, 22, 23. Letter to Kepler, 26. Galileo's Pupils, 27. Letter to Vinta, 29. Removal to Florence, 31. First Visit to Rome, 35, 36. First Notice by Inquisition, 36. Treatise on Floating Bodies, 42. Letter to Castelli, 46–50. Denounced to Inquisition, 53. Apology to Grand Duchess Christine, 64–70. Visit to Rome in 1616, 70–75. Admonished to renounce the Copernican System, 77. Assumed special Prohibition to treat of it, 77-84. Lingers at Rome, 91–97. Goes to Bellosguardo, 98. Work on Tides, 99, 100. His opinion of Comets, 101. Grassi's attack, 102. "Il Saggiatore," 106, 107, 111–113. Visit to Rome in 1624, 114, 115. Attempts to get Decree of 1616 repealed, 115–117. Galileo's Children, 118. Reply to Ingoli, 120. Dialogues on Two Systems, 127-135. Negotiations about the Imprimatur, 139-150. Publication of the Dialogues, 151, 152. Accusations, 157, 174. Summons to Rome, 175. Letter to Antonio Barberini, 178-180. Threat to bring him in chains to Rome, 186. Arrival at Rome, 191. The Trial, 201-229. Confession, 214–216. Defence, 219, 220. Sentence, 230-234. Recantation, 243, 244. Sent to Trinita de' Monti, 247. Goes to Siena, 248. Current Myths, 249-263. His Eyes not put out, 250. "E pur si muove," 250, 251. The Hair Shirt, 251. Imprisonment, 252. Torture Refuted, 253–263. Life at Siena, 267–273. Goes to Arcetri, 272, 273. His daughters, 273. Anonymous denunciation, 264. Petition to go to Florence refused, 274, 275. Death of his daughter, 275. Letter to Diodati, 276. His works translated into Latin, 280, 281. Labours at Arcetri, 284, 285. Method of taking Longitudes, 285, 286. Becomes blind, 287. Goes to Florence, 290. Strict Surveillance, 290, 291. Return to Arcetri, 298. Last Years, 299–315. Letter to Rinuccini, 304, 305. Last illness and death, 307. Persecutions after death, 308. Private Funeral, 309. Remains removed to Santa Croce, 310. His Works on the Index till 1835, 315.
  • Galilei, Julia, 3.
  • Galilei, Vincenzo, 3, 4, 11.
  • Galilei, Vincenzo, son of Galileo, 191, 306.
  • Gherardi, Silvestro, 82, 83, 90.
  • Govi Gilberto, his work on Galileo, 246.