Page:Gazetteer of the province of Oudh ... (IA cu31924024153987).pdf/103

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/. The Sakarwdrs. It is asserted that in the seventh generation from Siripat Rana, reverenced as being the founder of this colony, lived Rana Bhimal Sih, who had two sons, (1st) Bhimal Mai, and (2nd) P6ran Mai. Of these, the former also had two sons, Kalian Sdh and Pirtumi Sdh.

Puran Mai was an adherent and courtier of the Emperors of Delhi in it is asserted, of Tamerlane (A. D. 1399), but more probably of a successor and by constant association with the Muhammadans at court he was led to embrace their religion. This man had two wives first, a Hindu one before conversion, who had borne him Hindu offspring and subsequently, a Muhammadan one, by whom he had two sons of the latter creed, named Dule Khan and Bariar Khan. After the death of the brothers Bhimal Mai and Ptiran Mai, their offspring separated their interests, and the days,

ever since the Hindu branch of the clan has been known as Taraf Kalian, and the Muhammadan branch as Taraf Dule. At this moment 16 villages of this pargana are mainly populated by the Hindu faction of this once powerful clan, while there are still 9 villages inhabited by the Muhammadan portion. How they have diminished before the rapidly rising and rival Rajkumar tribe, may be gleaned from the fact that ofl&cial documents shew that at the end of the last century there were over 117 villages in the possession of the two branches. The two principal properties of the 1st, Kalianpur, which however became sub-divided some geneclan were rations ago into four estates and, 2nd, Allahdadpur, which became absorbed into the taluqa of Babu Umresh Singh in 1248 Fasli. They are now proprietors of 6| and sub-proprietors of 45 villages, and the present gene-

ration of these people consider themselves 31 removes from their ancestor.


The Raghuhansis. The now living members of this clan assert II, that they are in the thirty-fourth generation from Jagnag Rae, their original foimder, who, they think, came into the pargana from no greater This would make them of older localisation than distance than Ajodhya. have somethe Sakarwars ; and this, it is believed, they really are. thing like authentic information, that up to within 5 5 years back the people retained all the property they had ever possessed, which amounted Since then, however, their proprietary possessions have to 69 villages. been reduced to 18 villages, while they are sub-proprietors of 8, and they form the majority of the population in 15 villages.


The Ujjainias. It is said that when the Bhars were exterminatand multiplied to some extent in the pargana but ed there is not much indication left now of by-gone prosperity, for we find from our oldest records that in the end of the last century they only held the jjl_

this clan increased

settlement of a single village.

They are at the present time sub-proprietors of three villages and residents of four others, and they consider themselves to be in the twentyof the clan, who, they say, came from fifth generation from the founder Other Rajput clans in Oudh also trace their origin to emigrants Uijain. of Baiswara are said to be from that country, and amongst them the Bais descended from Chand, who came from Ujjain, when Bikramdjit governed Mdlwa.