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MALLANWi:N Tahsil Bilgr^m District Haedoi, 2,116 inhabitants. fine thriving village of Kanaujia Kurmis, six miles north-east from MaMnwan, in the Mallanwdn pargana, district Hardoi : 518 mudhouses: a village school, averaging thirty-eight pupils. Bansa has been held by Kanaujia Kurmis for more than seven centuries. Their ancestor, Basu, for loyal service to the Hindu Raja of Kanauj in expelling the rebellious Thatheras at some uncertain period before the fall of Kanauj, was rewarded with a grant of land and founded B^nsa upon it.



Pargana Sadkpvr—Tahsil Bari— District Sitapxje. Is nine miles south-east across country from Sadrpur Kh^s, and thirty-nine miles from Sitapur. No high road runs through or near it, but good water communication is afforded by the Chauka, on the right bank of which river it is situated. Five miles to the east, and across the river, lies Rdmpur Mathura. The population numbers 2,822, residing in 253 kachcha houses. There is not a pakka house in the town. The Government buildings are an opium godown and a school, which is attended by fifty-one scholars. At the bazar, which is held thrice a week, the annual yearly value of the sales is Rs. 4,500. The place is not notable in any way ; it is the property of the Mahmudabad taluqdar.

Pargana Haeha Tahsil TJnao District Unao. The town on the road from Purwa to Cawnpore, in pargana Harha, five miles south of Unao. Thakur Kesri Singh Gaur, the leader of his clan, lived here formerly vide pargana Harha. The soil is sandy the village is surrounded with numerous mango groves it is healthy, although the water Gaddis are said to have lived here formerly in the forest they is brackish. were all slaughtered, and this town was founded by Garabdeo Gaur, who A vernacular called it from the ban or forest which he found on its site. school, with twenty-seven pupils, five temples to Mah^deo and one to Debi


are the institutions of the place. The population is 2,807, of whom fifty are few of the houses are masonry. Musalmans and 780 are Brahmans.




Pargana Bhagwantnagae

VvnyfA—District Unao. and twenty-four miles east, of Unao. An unmetalled road passes through this village to Baksar. The Ganges flows No large town near it was founded by Raja five miles to the south. Pann's brother. Raja Bara of the Bhar tribe, some two thousand years ago Some fresh and some brackish water takes its name from the founder. There is an indigo manufactory. here. Is sixteen miles south of tahsil

Goldsmiths and carpenters work here. Distribution of population. Hindus.





Kayatha Fasis

485 139 26 55





There are 177 mud built houses, and two temples dedicated to Debi.



Other castes Total



Latitude 26° 21' north; longitude 80° 46'

By Mr. A. H. Harington,

c. s.,


Assistant Commissioner.