Page:Gazetteer of the province of Oudh ... (IA cu31924024153987).pdf/439

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They no doubt acquired estates by more or less of oppression, but they seem to have been singularly moderate in this respect. The annals of the family are related as follows by their descendant

" Hundreds of years ago his ancestors came to Oudh, where they held the posts of sighadar and taluqdar, and rendered good services, for which they always enjoyed honour and esteem under the late Government.

" In the eighth or ninth generation, Rde Sobha Rae was chakladar of Ramnagar. At that time some zamindars had ceased to pay Government revenue, and therefore Rae Sobha Rae was ordered to furnish and realize the outstanding revenue from those zamindars, which he did, and by which he gained honour. He was succeeded by Rae Updhot Singh, who, after extirpating dacoits and insurgents, used to collect Government revenue. He was killed in an engagement with the people of mauza Naugaon, for which his successors obtained three villages in jagir and got a royal sanad. Rae Sitalparshad was wounded near Sanehi by the recusant zamindars, but he gained a victory over them in consideration of this, as well as other loyal services, the village Shahpur, which was held in zamindari for a long time, was conferred on him rent-free."

The present incumbent


an Honorary Assistant Commissioner.

A rea

of crops. Acres.




Juar and bajra Rice ...




Sugarcane Barley ...






802 215































given below

500 26,023 23,801 2,063 5,479 5,000



As the Sattndmi it is



Poppy... Vegetables




400 18,434

sect originated in a village of this pargana,

it is

as related

by themselves

an account

Baba Jagjiwan Das, the founder of this creed, was a Thakur by caste, and an inhabitant and zamindar of Kotwa, in pargana Ramnagar Dhameri, district Bara Banki.

The present successor to his gaddi is Baba Jaskaran Das, a descendant His disciples are both lay and clerical. of his in the twelfth generation. Marriage is not prohibited, but a person who succeeds to the gaddi has There are two orders of the to renounce all worldly relations and concerns. the superior and the inferior. The superior is called mahant. clergy,

The gaddis large,

of both orders still exist in mauza of its members hold estates,

and a number

Kotwa. and are

This family allied to



great taluqdars' families by marriage. They profess the unity of the Deity, have great faith in Hanoman (the monkey-god), and observe great