Page:Gazetteer of the province of Oudh ... (IA cu31924024153987).pdf/612

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534 This has now ceased.

In 1872-73, 228 persons paid Rs. 13,127. Of these, 80 were landed proprietors, who paid Rs. 10,500, or Income tax. three-quarters of the entire collections and two indiviTen more paid duals paid Rs. 6,860, or more than half of the whole. Rs. 2,120 or twelve men, out of a population of 1,167,000, paid three-fifths They were all landowners, and the income tax pracof the income tax. tically was an additional land cess. Seventy-one bankers paid only Rs.1,211, although there are many of great wealth.

The crimes


Gonda are shown in the accompanying table.

It will appear

that the thefts reported have increased from 4,363 classes. in 1867 to 9,231 in 1872. This arises in great measure from the increased readiness of the people to complain. There is, however, no doubt that our courts and laws cannot put down the system of petty theft of grain and household utensils by which a large portion of the people eke out a subsistence. It is a rough substitute for a poor law it was repressed formerly by rough-and-ready justice, and mere suspicion was often proof sufficient. This is not the case now, and the humble forms of larceny thrive accordingly. Crime and criminal


Statistics for

