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earth suffer constantly and face unnatural death every generation so that some small part of Germany's populace may continue to exist? Are those 15,000,000 Germans so valuable, so indispensable to mankind that 300,000,000 guiltless men, women and children shall fight a war with Germany every time she so decrees? Shall perpetual struggle against the German be the only future facing civilized peoples? Why breed children while Germany breeds war?

Are not the Dutch a sober and thrifty people? Are not the French cultured? Are not the Czechs industrious? Are not the Poles deeply attached to land, family and God? Are not the Scandinavians a decent people? Are not the Greeks brave and fearless? Are not the English, Irish, Scotch and American freedom-loving and progressive people? And in very simple arithmetic are not these 300,000,000 more than 15,000,000 Germans?

If Democracy as Americans know it is majority rule in a national sense, it must be so in an international sense as well. The greatest good for the greatest number is Democracy's rule of thumb; to fight for world Democracy is to
