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it has been a subject of more discussion and debate than any other single problem of mankind. In the halls of government great orators have loudly extolled its virtues. The great prophets of every religion on earth have preached its gospel and catalogued its benefits to world humanity. And in all the world we find that peace is the common denominator which binds together the people of all nations, of all color and races, in common thought and prayer.

Why then, after passing through thousands of years of such great desire and yearning have we failed to find peace? Why is it that after such a prolonged period of time not one single practical and enduring step has been taken toward its absolute realization? Certainly no one man or group of men shall be born tomorrow who shall exceed in knowledge and excel in ability all those great men who have written, spoken and preached about peace over the long past. What shall we do then? Throw up our hands and give up? Shall we have done with peace by exclaiming that it dose not exist because it cannot? That is an unobtainable abstract?
