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dizement through force of arms, it must be noted that no Western nation has ever made such a religion of war, such idolatry or armaments, and such a cult of mass murder and destruction as has Germany and her peoples.

According to her own writers, teachers and statesmen Germany has but one great reason for existing; that of achieving world-dominion! Since that is its highest aim, therefore, Germany constantly claims that it has every right to make free and liberal use of chicanery, deceit, intolerance, lust, persecution and oppression, in order to achieve that goal. Consequently such a perverted nation , such a State of human negation, views its vice as being the only true virtue in life, whereas to the Germans the virtues as they are known and may be practiced by the rest of the world are merely vices due to the latter's decay and degeneration!3 As though there exists anywhere in the world a nation which can boast of degeneration in the same degree as Germany!

The primary reason which stirs German lust for world-dominion was best summarized by a German professor who declared that since Germany will never be able to understand the world,
