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destroyed. Invaded, the English offered but a halfhearted resistance. The German and Italian soldiers seized London. England and America were defeated. Peace was concluded.15

Concerning the terms of such a peace, the writer declared that, "Germany took Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras, all Brazil south of the Amazon, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and northern Chile. France took Brazil north of the Amazon, British Guiana, Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador. Italy took what was left of South America, including the Argentine. The West Indies were divided between Germany and France. Gibraltar was restored to Spain, Malta given to Italy, Cyprus to Turkey. The English had to pay an enormous war indemnity. There was great discontent in England because the entire British navy was held by the Germans as a guarantee of payment. All England's Suez Canal shares were confiscated and distributed among the victorious powers. The Kimberley diamond mines were seized by Germany and all English and American capital invested in Brazil and South America was transferred to German hands. The Cable lines were taken by Germany
