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America and so kept unusual secrecy about their work on that continent. Little by little they sought to honeycomb those parts of South America which seemed favorable to Germanism by establishing branch leagues and to reticulate those regions with confidential agents who carried on their work disguised as travelers, teachers or diplomatic agents. From time to time they reported their progress to the Central Association in Germany. The startling disclosure was only recently made that the German consulates too, had given their aid, serving as hypodermics through which the malignant bacilli of Germanism was being syringed into the blood stream of the South American peoples.

In his work on Chile, Dr. Unfold advised German settlers in South America "to send their children to Germany to be educated in a fitting German spirit" and that then they should be sent back to propagate and disseminate the animus of the German war-soul. "The time will assuredly come," he encouraged, "when Germany, during the confusion caused by some international conflagration, will have the opportunity to acquire colonial territory in South America."11
