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"the chains which tie us to a Church hostile to Germanism must be broken!" The "No Popery" and anti-Catholic agitation was stimulated by Hasse and Schoenerer through their introduction into Austria of numerous pseudo-evangelical, free-booter German clergymen who were liberally paid, with money and liquor, to rail against the Catholics.

Though the complete success of this plan was not achieved, it did have a salutary effect; that of establishing and proving the audacity and ruthless aggressiveness of the German.


Notwithstanding the fierce resistance which met them and their ideas in Bohemia, the Germans were able to organize various ancillary associations of their League, as well as to maintain their own press in that country. They were further aided in their work by the importation of German clergymen, agitators and school-masters all of whom played leading roles in the struggle to spread Germanism throughout that brave land of free thought.

The vile work of the Germans was not easy; they were met with a bold and determined
