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he was so certain that the seeds being planted would some day result in fruition that, back in 1901 he had already, with habitual high-and-mighty German arrogance, renamed Belgium German "West Mark."


As with Belgium, the German felt his task in Denmark to be such an easy one that he did not even bother to use any "finesse" in his attempts to saturate the Danish people with his Germanism, and so, instead of trying to at least render the idea "palatable" to the Danes, he aimed at ramming it down their throats.

Nothing came of such attempts. The Danes might be invaded by German arms; they would never fall victim to what the German calls "Ideals." For the Danes are an independent, civilized people with no inclination to be dragged back a thousand years to savage barbarism.


The work of the German League in Switzerland was impeded by its own tactless and stupid blunders. The propagators of Germanism, past
