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very nimble, but rumbles along somewhat slowly. But come it will, and when ye hear a crashing such as never before has been heard in the world's history, then know that at last the German thunderbolt has fallen. At this commotion the eagles will drop dead from the skies and the lions in the farthest wastes of Africa will bite their tails and creep into their royal lairs. There will be played in Germany a drama compared to which the French Revolution will seem but an innocent idyll. At present everything is quiet; and though here and there some few men create a little stir, do not imagine these are to be the real actors in the piece. They are only little curs chasing one another round the arena...till the appointed hour when the troop of gladiators appear to fight for life and death. And the hour will come."

German intellect, German culture, German emotion, industry, economics, politics, in fact all things German, are each but a tiny rivulet feeding with its water the mighty rushing stream which is the German war-soul. The war-soul itself is thus become a mighty torrent against which no dike can be built sufficiently high or sufficiently strong to stem its onrush.
