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a whole in the German masses. German leaders are not isolated from the will of the German people because apart from this will they could not come into being or exist at all. Their personal inspiration, the motivation, even the acquiescence to their deeds are one and all drawn by German leaders from the very depths of the German national soul.

Far too often the claim has been made that the present German drive toward world-dominion is only street gangsterism practiced on an organized national scale, deriving principally from the lowest classes, the dregs of Germany. Such a claim is not sustained by facts, for the same lust, the same brute force which the Germans display today under the rule of the so-called "low class Nazis," they also displayed in 1914, at a time when the "highest classes" and the "noblest specimens" capable of being produced by the German nation, the Junkers, ruled that land. And a vast number of Germany's intellectuals, another German "high-class," sat as members in the German Reichstag!

No! The problem of Germanism must not again be passed along to the next generation.
