Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/120

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"Isn't that Mrs. Prentice—the very rich Mrs. Prentice—in her electric runabout? And, I declare, Jess! she's calling to you."

"Yes. I know her; she wants me," said Jess breathlessly, and she ran across the street to where the electric car was standing beside the curb.

"I want you, child," said the lady, with decision. "Can you excuse yourself to your friend?"

Jess waved her hand to Laura, and called:

"I'll be up after supper, dear."

Laura nodded, and smiled, and went on; but she was evidently puzzled as she turned to gaze after the runabout as it moved off swiftly with her chum beside the lady in the magnificent furs.

"And how are you and your mother getting along?" asked Mrs. Prentice, as soon as the car had started.

"Why—why about as usual, Mrs. Prentice," stammered Jess, who was much puzzled as to why the lady should want her to take this ride. "Only mother is regularly employed by Mr. Prentice, and is very grateful for the work—as you must know, ma'am."

"Oh, don't speak of that," said Mrs. Prentice, laughing. "I fancy that Pat is getting full measure for his money; he usually does. But tell me,