Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/150

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"The little workwoman was just about scared into a conniption," chuckled Bobby, "when she found she had to go to the grand hotel to meet the grand lady and so asked a friend who knew a little more about the nobility than she did, what she should do when she entered the grand lady's presence.

"'Why, when you enter the room,' explained the friend, 'merely bow, and in speaking to her say "Your Grace.'"

"The little milliner," continued Bobby, "thought she could do that all right, and she went to the interview with the duchess without any dress rehearsal. When she got inside the lady's door she bowed very low and says, right off:

"'For what we are about to receive, Oh, Lord, make us truly grateful!'"

But while there may have been some disappointment in the hearts of some of the girls of Central High who had striven for the prize, they not yet having heard Jess Morse's play read, even the disappointed ones were not niggardly with their congratulations.

Jess walked in a maze that afternoon when she went home, Laura on one side and Nell Agnew on the other, while Bobby pirouetted around them like a very brilliant and revolving planet.