Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/210

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ing stock of all Central High. I am not going to allow Jess Morse's play to be spoiled because of you. If you were so jealous and envious that you did not want to see Jess's play succeed, you could have refused, at least, to be cast for an important part in it. And now," went on Mother Wit, firmly, "you are going to play that part."

"Oh, Laura! you are so harsh," sobbed Lily.

"Much that will hurt you!" sniffed Laura. "We'll drive around by the hospital and leave this Plornish man. If he dares to open his mouth, we'll have him punished for trying to swindle you," and Laura looked sternly at the black-eyed, foreign-looking fellow.

"You see, we know all about you, Mr. Plornish, and you will have to abide by what is done for you. Some of us will help your family while you are helpless. But you've got to be good, or even Mr. Vandergriff will forget that you and he used to be boys together. Pah! with your hair dye, and paint and powder, and all! Why, you are nearly fifty years old, so Mr. Vandergriff says, and you act and dress like a silly boy."

Lily listened to all this, and stopped sobbing. She began to see that there was a chance for her to escape being a butt for her school-fellows' jokes.