Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. I, 1889.djvu/22

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black and cavernous within, but she advanced with the step of familiarity and went downstairs to a front-kitchen. Through the half-open door came a strong odour and a hissing sound, plainly due to the frying of sausages. Before Jane could enter, she was greeted sharply in a voice which was young and that of a female, but had no other quality of graciousness.

"You've taken your time, my lady! All right! just wait till I've 'ad my tea, that's all! Me an' you'll settle accounts to-night, see if we don't. Mother told me as she owed you a lickin', an' I'll pay it off, with a little on my own account too. Only wait till I've 'ad my tea, that's all. What are you standin' there for, like a fool? Bring that beer 'ere, an' let's see 'ow much you've drank."

"I haven't put my lips near it, miss; indeed I haven't," pleaded the child, whose face of dread proved both natural timidity and the constant apprehension of ill-usage.

"Little liar! that's what you always was, an always will be.—Take that!"