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the clear evident Goſpel diſpenſation was brought in; the Hand writing of the law cancelled, the vail betwixt Jew and Gentile was rent aſſunder; the nations were ingrafted into the old ſtock of the peculiar people, the abſtruſe ſecrets of eternity were opened, the kingdoms were ſhaken, the princes of the earth were ſet up, and pulled down; the church was preſerved, and flouriſhed, in deſpight of all the world. This is the man, who 'wounded the heads' over many countries; who trode the wine-preſs alone,' and trampled the people in his fury; until all 'his raiment was ſtained with blood.' This is he, whoſe name is called 'Wonderful, Counſellor, the Almighty GOD, the everlaſting Father, the Prince of Peace: of the increaſe of his government and peace there is no end.' This is the 'Stone cut out without hands,' which ſmote all the power, ſtrength and might of kingdoms, nations and languages: and lo, all principalities, and thrones, and powers, and dominions are broken to pieces together: and become like the chaff of the ſummer threſing-floor that the wind hath carried away. And behold, 'this Stone,' which hath ſmitten to nothing, all tranſitory glory, is become exceeding great, and filleth all in all.' This is he, whom nothing could overcome; he entered the lifts with death and hell, and gave them an eternal ſoil: ſo that they lie under his feet, and the feet of his choſen, for ever and ever.

Could ten thouſand deaths overcome him? Were not devils and wicked men fools, that imagined to bind him with any ties? What would chains greater than many worlds? What would infinite numbers of mountains of braſs, be to hold him down, that he riſe not again? 'How did this Lion of the tribe of Judah,' rouſe himſelf from the ſleep of