Page:Glossary of words in use in Cornwall.djvu/195

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M ANTRIM AND DOWN GLOSSARY. Hety V. heated. * He over Jiet himsel'.' Hetli, faith. * Heth no.' ' Heth aye.' * Heth an' soul, but you won't.' Same as Feth. Hengh, sh. a rocky height. ' The Gobbin HetighSf precipitous rocks on the coast at the east of the Co. of Antrim. Higglety-pigglety, in confusion. Hi-how, sb, the hedge parsley, Anthriscus sylveatris. Of the parts of the stem between the joints children make * pluffers ' to * pluff ' haw* stones throu^. Children also make ' scouts, i. e. squirts, of the stem of this plant. An instrument for producing a noise is also made. Gould this sound have originated the curious name P A correspondent says : *' When we were wee fellows we used to make horns of the hi'how,** Called also Ba-ho. Compare the Sco. hech-how, Hinoli, (1) sh. the thigh. * The com was that short a Jinny Wran might na* sat on her hinches, an' picked the top pickle off.' (2) V. to throw stones by bringing the hand across the thigh. Hingm' look, eh. a padlock. Hingit, adj. drooping : applied to flowers or plants. Hintin^ Hint, sb. the furrow in a ploughed field between the ridges. Hippo, sb. ipecacuanha. Hip-roofed house, a house the roof of which has no gables. Hirple, v. to walk lame. Hisself^ himself. Hitch, V. to run. Hives, sb. red, itchy, raised spots on the skin. Hiie, Hoise, v, to hoist. Hoag, Hogo, sb. a strong smelL Hook, Hawk, Hough, t;. to throw stones under the thigh. Hoges. * The hogeSf* a boys' game played with ' peeries ' (pe^-tops). The victor is entitled to give a certain number of blows with the spike of his peerie to the wood part of his opponent's. Hog^t, Hoggart, ab, a dry measure consisting of ten bushels. (I believe obsolete.) Hoke, V. to hollow-out anything, such as a toy boat. A dog hokes out the earth from a rabbit hole. Hokey Oh ! an exclamation. Hole and taw, a game of marbles. Holed, V. worn into holes, or suddenly pierced. HoUan, eb. a wall in a cottage. Same as Haddin. See under Sdv- hole. ^'