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this his recouery, he brake forth into thesſ ſpeeches; Now I ſee the Engliſh are my friends and loue me, and whileſt I liue I will neuer forget this kindneſſe they haue ſhewed mee. Whileſt we were there, our entertainment exceeded all other ſtrangers. Diuers other things were worthy the noting, but I feare I haue been too tedious.

At our cõming away, he called Hobbamock to him, & priuately (none hearing ſaue two or three other of his Pneeſes, who are of his Councell) reuealed the plot of the Maſſacheuſeucks before ſpoken of, againſt Maſter Weſtons Colony, and ſo againſt vs, ſaying that the people of Nauſet, Paomet, Succonet, Mattachiest, Manomet, Agowaywam, and the Ile of Capawack were ioyned with them; himſelfe alſo in his ſickneſſe was earneſtly ſollicited, but he would neither ioyne therein, nor giue way to any of his. Therefore as we resſected the liues of our Countreymen, and our owne after-ſafety, he aduiſed vs to kill the men of Maſſachuſet, who were the authors of this intended miſchiefe. And whereas wee were wont to ſay, we would not ſtrike a ſtroke till they firſt begun; if ſaid he vpon this intelligence, they make that anſwer, tell them, when their Countrymen at Wichaguſcuſſett are killed, they being not able to defend themſelues, that then it will be too late to recouer their liues, nay through the multitude of aduerſaries they ſhall with great difficulty preſerue their owne, and therefore he counſelled without delay to take away the principals, and then the plot would ceaſe. With this he charged him thorowly to acquaint me by the way, that I might informe the Gouernour thereof at my firſt comming home. Being fitted for our returne, we tooke our leaue of him, who returned many thanks to our Gouernour, and alſo to our ſelues for our labour and loue: the like did all that were about him. So we departed.

That night thorow the earneſt requeſt of Cõbatant, who til now remained at Sawaams or Puckanukick, we lodged with him at Mattapuyst. By the way, I had much conference with him; ſo likewiſe at his houſe, he being a notable politician, yet ful of merry ieſts & ſquibs, & neuer better pleaſed than when