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  • Man born blind, the, 181.
  • Man, who is the strong? 125.
  • Mango-grove, 139, 221, 137.
  • Many, the dead are, 210.
  • Married unto the truth, be, 205.
  • Master, out of reverence for the, 148.
  • Master over the stream, following the, 212.
  • May be expected to prosper, Sangha, 221.
  • Me, this is done by, 132.
  • Meats remained undiminished, 2 of.
  • Medicines, 90, 210, 246.
  • Meditation (see bhāvana and satipatthāna in the Glossary), 39, 174, 237.
  • Meeting in concord, 120.
  • Men, blind, 141; teacher of gods and men, 226; the lives of men, 198.
  • Men's hearts, bridler of, 226.
  • Mental eye, 209.
  • Merit, four kinds of, 186.
  • Merit, the order (sangha) the sowingground of, 226.
  • Message in their own language, all creatures received the, 55.
  • Migrations, cause of further, 118.
  • Mind, Brahma's, 142; culture of the, 87; elevate the mind, 80; mind is the guiding rein, 195; seek thou the life that is of the mind, 153; the five roots of mind, 29; there is mind, 151.
  • Mind, we the result of, 131.
  • Miracle-mongers, 173.
  • Miracles, 171.
  • Miracles forbidden, 119–121.
  • Mirage, hope of heaven a, 122.
  • Mirage, the cause of self a, 32.
  • Mirror of truth, the, 225.
  • Mission, the preachers, 127.
  • Moon, the, shines by night, 139.
  • Moral powers, 97.
  • Moral sense, 97.
  • More fit to live, 149.
  • More, sin no, 183.
  • Mortification not the right path 35.
  • Mortification profitless, 49.
  • Mortification vain, 50.
  • Mother, a, 67.
  • Muni of great understanding, 170.
  • Mustard seed, the, 209.
  • Naked ascetics, 89.
  • Nakedness, impure is, 95, 96*.
  • Name, honored be his, 69.
  • Nature of religion consists in worship and sacrifice, the, 152.
  • Nature of the rope, the 67.
  • Nature of self, the, 66.
  • Near me, he who walks, righteously is ever, 246.
  • Necessity of dissolution, 249,
  • Nectar, the bee collects, 137.
  • Needed, the one thing that is, 153
  • Noble, eightfold path, the, 41, 237, 258.
  • Noble truths, the four, 41, 181.
  • Non-action, 145, 145.
  • Non-existence of the soul, 153.
  • Non-identity, identity and, 152, 158.
  • Not any means to avoid dying, 211.
  • Not worthy of yellow robes, 103.
  • Nothing remains, 160.
  • Nothing will remain, 225.
  • Nothingness stares me in the face, 153.
  • Nourishes his mind, the wise man, 189.