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315. General Rules for the formation of Verbal Noun.

(a) As a general rule verbs of the first conjugation form their verbal noun in aḋ, if the final consonant of the stem be broad; in eaḋ, if it be slender, as—

dún, shut dúnaḋ
mill, destroy milleaḋ
mol, praise molaḋ
léiġ, read léiġeaḋ.

(b) When the last vowel of the stem is i preceded by a broad vowel, the i is usually dropped in the formation of the verbal noun, as—

buail, strike bualaḋ
dóiġ, burn dóġaḋ
goin, wound gonaḋ
brúiġ, bruise brúġaḋ

The i is not dropped in—

caoin, lament caoineaḋ
sgaoil, loose sgaoileaḋ
smuain, reflect smuaineaḋ

(c) Verbs of the second conjugation ending in in, il or ir generally form their verbal noun by adding t, as—

díbir, banish díbirt
cosain, defend cosaint (cosnaṁ)
laḃair, speak laḃairt
coigil, spare coigilt