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Rest Motion from the speaker Motion towards the speaker Prepositional use,
this side of, etc.
i ḃfus, aḃus, this side anonn anall lastḃus de,
taoḃ i ḃfus de
ṫall, the other side, yonder sall anall lastall de,
taoḃ ṫall de
amuiġ (amuiċ), outside amaċ amaċ leasmuiġ,
taoḃ amuiġ de
istiġ, inside isteaċ isteaċ laistiġ,
taoḃ istiġ de


439. The following sentences will exemplify the translation of the word “over”:—


A says to B I’ll throw it over to you, Caiṫfiḋ mé anonn ċugat é.
Is it over yet? Ḃfuil sé ṫall fós?
Throw it over to me, Caiṫ anall ċugam é.
It is over now, Tá sé aḃus anois.
He went over the wall. Ċuaiḋ sé ṫar an mballa.
He went over to Scotland. Ċuaiḋ sé anonn go h‑Albain.
He came over from Scotland.  Ṫáinig sé anall ó Albain.