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an ċuid is mó ḋe, at most.
ar (a) iomad,
an ċuid is luġa ḋe, at least.
ar a laġad (laiġead),
ar a ṡon san (is uile), notwithstanding (all that).
ċoṁ ḟada ’s (use le before noun)  whilst, as long as.
an ḟaid (rel. form of verb)
d’ aon ġnó, purposely.
ċoṁ maiṫ agus dá, just as if.
le h‑éirġe an lae, at dawn.
gan coinne le, unexpectedly.
gan súil le,
de ġnáṫ (ġnáṫaċ), usually.
mar atá, mar atáid, namely, viz., i.e.
ós ísiol, secretly, lowly.
ós árd, aloud, openly.
ar maidin, in the morning.
sa tráṫnóna, in the evening.
um tráṫnóna,
ar maidin indiu, this morning.
ar ṁaidin i mbáraċ, to-morrow morning.
sa tráṫnóna indiu, this evening.
aṫrugaḋ indé, on the day before yesterday
aṫrugaḋ i mbáraċ, on the day after to-morrow.
anoirṫear, umánoirṫear,
lá ar n‑a ḃáraċ, on the following day.
i mbliaḋna, (during) this year.
anuraiḋ, (during) last year.
aṫruġaḋ anuraiḋ, (during) the year before last