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(i) The English phrase “only for” very often means “were it not for,” “had it not been for,” and is translated by muna mbiaḋ, followed by a nominative.

Only for John the horse would be dead now.
Mura mbeaḋ Seaġán do ḃeaḋ an capall marḃ anois.


Note the following Examples.

I have a question for you. Tá ceist agam ort.
To play for (a wager). Imirt ar (ġeall).
To send for. Fios do ċur … ar.
A cure for sickness. Leiġeas i n‑aġaiḋ tinnis.
 „   ar tinneas.
To wait for. Fanaṁaint le.
For your life, don’t tell. Ar d’ anam, ná h‑innis.
He faced for the river.
Ṫug sé a aġaiḋ ar an aḃainn.
They fought for (about) the Fiannship.
Ṫroideadar um an ḃFiannuiġeaċt.
Don’t blame him for it.
Ná cuir a ṁilleán air (its blame on him).
I have great respect for you.
Tá meas mór agam ort.
This coat is too big for me.
Tá an cóta so ró-ṁór ḋom.
What shall we have for dinner?
Caidé ḃias againn ar ár ndinneur?
It is as good for you to do your best.
Tá sé coṁ maiṫ agat do ḋíċeall do ḋeunaṁ.