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Idiomatic Expressions.


Cuir ormsa é. Say it was I did it.
Cuirimse ortsa é. I say it was you did it.
Cuir umat (ort). Dress yourself.
Ċuir an tart go mór air. Thirst annoyed him greatly.
Cuirfeadsa d’ḟiaċaiḃ ort stad. I’ll make you stop.
Cuir iaċall air é (a) ḋéanaṁ. Make him do it.
Ná cuir orm ⁊ ní ċuirfead ort.
Don’t interfere with me and I will not interfere with you.
Ċuir sé a rian. He tracked him (her, them).
Ċuir sé stró orm. He addressed me.
Ċuir sé speic (or furán) orm.
Ċuireas róṁam a ḋéanaṁ. I resolved to do it.
Tá cur síos (tráċt or iomráḋ) ar an gcogaḋ.
There is talk about the war.
Ċuir sé culaiḋ éadaiġ dá ḋéanaṁ.
He got a suit of clothes made.
Ċuir sé ’na luiġe orm. He convinced me of it.
Cuir i gcás gur saiġdiúr mise. Suppose me to be a soldier.
Cuir ar bun. Established.
Ċuir (ḃain) sé faoi i gCorcaiġ. He settled down in Cork.
Tá sé ag cup ’s ag cúiteaṁ. He is debating in his mind.