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86 GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY Pope, Song by a Person of Quality iii. : Thus the Cyprian Goddess weeping Mourn'd Adonis, darling Youth ; Him the boar, in silence creeping, Gor'd w^th unrelenting tooth. Cowper, Translation from Milton i. : Adonis turned to Flora's favorite flower. Shak., King Henry VI. pt. i. i. 6, 6, Venus and Adonis. Hermaphroditus : Ovid, Met. iv. 285 sq. Anchises : Homer, II. v. 247, ii. 820 : - AtVefas, rbv UTT' ^Kyx' Lff H r ^ K 8? 3 A<f>podlTr). Ovid, Trist. ii. 299 ; Vergil, Aen. i., et passim ; Hyginus, Fab. xciv. Aeneas : Homer, II. ii. passim ; Vergil, Aen. i., et passim ; Ovid, Met. xiii. 665; Shak., The Tempest ii. 1, 79, Midsummer Night's Dream i. 1, 173, King Henry VI. pt. ii. v. 2, 62, Julius Caesar i. 2, 112, Antony and Cleopatra iv. 14, 53. Eros (Cupid): Ovid, Amor. i. 1, et passim ; Vergil, Aen. i. 658, 695 ; Byron, Childe Harold i. 9 : And where these are light Eros finds a fire. Pope, Summer 13 : - ye coo]ing stteams> Defence from Phoebus', not from Gupid's, beams. Shak., The Tempest iv. 1, 90, Romeo and Juliet i. 4, 4, Merchant of Venice ii. 6, 38, Midsummer Night's Dream i. 1, 169, ii. 1, 161, iii. 2, 103 ; Chaucer, Knight's Tale 765. Musae : Homer, II. ii. 484 : MoO(rcu 'OXtfyUTrta 5i6/iar' e%ov(rcu ts yap deal eo-re, irapevrt re fore re otoj> aKotiojLev ovd n Ovid, Ars Amat. ii. 279 : Ipse licet venias Musis comitatus, Homere ; Amor. iii. 12, 17, Ibis 2 ; Vergil, Geor. ii. 475 sq. ; Milton, Par. L. Sing Heavenly Muse ; Descend from Heaven, Urania, by that name If rightly thou art called, whose voice divine Following, above th' Olympian hill I soar, Above the flight of Pegasean wing.