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Viii TABLE OF CONTENTS III. THE DIVINITIES OF THE LOWER WORLD. PAGE 1. Divinities of Death : Hades, 100, 101 75 2. Divinities of Sickness and Healing : Aesculapius, 102, 103 . 77 IV. PERSONIFICATIONS, 104 78 1. The Divinities of Love, Social Intercourse, Order, and Justice: Aphrodite, 105-109; Eros, 110, 111; Charites, 112, 113; Muses, 114; Horae and Themis, 115 79 2. The Divinities of War and Strife: Ares, 116, 117 . 87 3. The Divinities of Destiny : Moerae, 118 ; Nemesis, 119; Tyche, 120, 121 89 C. THE GREEK HEROES 1. Thebes : Cadmus, 123 ; Antiope, 124 ; Niobe, 125 93 2. Argolis : lo, 126 ; Danatis, 127 ; Perseus, 128 ; Tantalus, 129-131 96 3. Corinth : Sisyphus, 132 ; Bellerophontes, 133 . . 103 4. Laconia: Dioscuri, 134; Helen, 135 105 5. Hercules, 136-149 .106 6. Theseus, 150-158 117 CYCLES OF MYTHS. 1. Meleager and the Calydonian Hunt, 159, 160 . . 122 2. The Argonauts, 161-166 124 3. The Theban Cycle, 167-174 128 4. The Trojan Cycle, 175-186 134 D. THE ROMAN GODS, 187 I. DIVINITIES NOT REDUCED TO A UNIFORM CONCEPTION. (1) Souls: Genii, Junones, Lares, Manes, Lemures, Larvae, 188, 189 145 (2) Spirits of Activity: Indigetes, 190 146