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74 GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY tions of various countries, islands, and cities, the last of which are frequently more definitely denoted by a mural crown. Satyri : Ovid, Fast. iii. 737 sq., Ars Amat. iii. 157 ; Vergil, Eel. v. 73 ; Spenser, F. Q. i. vi. 18. Pan : Homer, Hymn xix. ; Ovid, Met. i. 699 sq. ; Hyginus, Fab. cxcvi.; Milton, Par. L. iv. 266: While universal Pan Knit with the Graces and the Hours in dance Led on th' eternal Spring. Pope, Summer 50 : Rough Satyrs dance and Pan applauds the song. Keats, Endymion i. 78 : Where fed the herds of Pan. Wordsworth, Sonnet v. : Great Pan himself low whispering through the reeds. Dionysus (Bacchus, lacchus, Lyaeus) : Ovid, Ars Amat. i. 232 : Purpureus Bacchi cornua pressit Amor ; Met. iii. 317, iv. 2 sq. ; Vergil, Aen. i. 734: Laetitiae Bacchus dator. Hyginus, Fab. clxxix.; Shak., Antony and Cleopatra ii. 7, 121:- Come, thou monarch of the vine, Plumpy Bacchus with pink eyne ! In thy fats our cares be drown'd, With thy grapes our hairs be crown'd! Semele : Homer, II. xiv. 323 ; Ovid, Met. iii. 260 sq., Fast. vi. 485 ; Hyginus, Fab. clxxix. Hyades : Ovid, Fast. iv. 678, v. 164 ; Vergil, Aen. i. 744 ; Hy- ginus, Fab. cxcii. Pentheus : Ovid, Met. iii. 513 sq. ; Vergil, Aen. iv. 469 ; Hy- ginus, Fab. clxxxiv. Ariadne : Catullus, Ixiv. 251 sq. ; Ovid, Fast. iii. 473 ; Hyginus, Fab. xlii., xliii.; Keats, Endymion ii. 442: Never, I aver, Since Ariadne was a vintager. Shak., Midsummer Night's Dream ii. 1, 80.