Page:Grigory Zinoviev - Army and People (1920).pdf/44

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Wilhelm, the Japanese and anybody at all, is that not the greatest crime? And yet this crime is continually being committed. Now Yudenitch and Koltchak do not consider it a shame to make known how much they have received from the English, nay, they boast of it. They say, We are preparing to march on Petersburg. To-day's radio, for instance, says, We have received tanks, money, bread. Officers serving with Yudenitch are smartly dressed, wear splendid English uniforms. You remember what a discovered conspirator wrote: „The Army of the South is gradually adopting the uniform of the English volunteer army“. A rank and file officer, wearing a splendid English uniform, of which every item, beginning with the epaulets and ending with the boots, is bought with English gold, is such an officer not ashamed of himself? Do not those epaulets burn his shoulders? How can he, fresh from the hands of a French hairdresser, find it in his heart to jeer at the poor Russian homespun-clad, sometimes half-clad peasant army, whole squads of which go barefoot?

So it is that the most monstrous treason goes on before the people's eyes. Men are clothed, fed, taught by Englishmen and Frenchmen, who cannot send their own armies to Russia, because their soldiers are sufficiently united and organized and refuse to go forth to kill Russian workers and peasants. But money the