Page:Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw.djvu/15

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room—recognize him in a moment—follow him the next—prevail on the poor little fellow to find a night's lodging elsewhere—and now, thanks to that sliding panel which you so accidentally and so fortunately discovered, if uncle Towzer makes his appearance in that room, you'll slip into this; if he comes into this room, you'll slip into that; in short, you'll give him the slip either way.

Emily. Yes, capital! and in the meantime, my dear good aunt, who has always fought poor Bradshaw's battles with her good-for-nothing old wretch of a husband, has promised to send me word in case anything of importance occurs. (listening, and suddenly) Hark!
Fan. There's no danger, I've locked the door.
Emily. I'm sure I heard a noise.
Fan. Pshaw! what of that? I've examined the room thoroughly; that (pointing to closet door r. h. flat) is a mere closet, with shelves; and that door, (pointing to door l. h) which otherwise might have proved an awkward affair for us, is, luckily, firmly and securely nailed up.

Here the door l. h. suddenly opens with a loud crash, and Bagshaw, with a cigar in his mouth, is thrown forward into the room.

Fan. Ah! (screaming and running to r. corner.
Bag. (seeing them—aside) Woman?—the devil! (aloud) Hush! don't be alarmed, ladies, I beg; and above all, don't scream, I implore!
Emily. But who are you, Sir? and what do you want, Sir?
Fan. Yes, Sir, what do you want, Sir? and who are you, Sir?
Bag. One at a time, ladies, if you love me!
Fan. Sir!
Bag. My name is Bagshaw—John Bagshaw, a medical student, at your service. I live in the adjoining apartment; and find one room not enough, I naturally concluded that door led to another;—the door wasn't disposed to yield—I was determined not to give way, and you—know the rest.