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Out of the everywhere Frontispiece
Facing page
The little white spot on this page is ten times larger than the egg from which you started growing 19
Jack-in-the-pulpit 25
Apple trees in bloom 26
Eggs of salmon 27
Just four hours out of the shell 29
Calf in the uterus of its mother 30
Baby in the uterus or nest of its mother 32
Eggs of a red-winged blackbird in their nest 33
Easter lily 39
A butterfly visiting phlox 40
Sperms of the minnow swimming to the egg 43
Mother pig 47
Dog sitting for his picture 51
Human sperms 53
Six months old 55
After you had been growing nearly two months in the body of your mother you were only as big as this baby 61
The baby in the uterus with the cord through which it is fed from the body of its mother 63
Mother feeding her baby 67
A mother dog feeding her litter of puppies 75