Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/14

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3. The SprudelCurhausquelle has a temperature of about 52° Fahr.
4. The SprudelNeubrunn has a temperature of about 48° Fahr.
5. The SprudelFelsenquelle has a temperature of about 47° Fahr.
6. The SprudelSchlossbrunn has a temperature of about 42° Fahr.
7. The SprudelMühlbrunn has a temperature of about 40° Fahr.
8. The SprudelTheresienbrunn has a temperature of about 47° Fahr.
9. The SprudelMarktbrunn has a temperature of about 35° Fahr.
10. The SprudelKaiserbrunn has a temperature of about 39° Fahr.
11. The SprudelSpitalquelle has a temperature of about 28° Fahr.
12. The SprudelKaiser Karl-Quelle has a temperature of about 34° Fahr.

2. Chemical Properties.

All the warm springs contain the same mineral constituents; they differ only in temperature, and, consequently, in the larger or smaller amount of carbonic acid gas they hold in solution.[1] The Schlossbrunn contains most, the Sprudel the least free carbonic acid gas. Consequently, it is advisable to classify them as hot and tepid springs, instead of speaking of them, as of old, as strong and weak. We can best compare these springs to a tree: the Sprudel is the trunk, the other springs form the branches; and the longer and thinner the branch, the cooler is the spring.

One pound (16 oz.) of water from any of the springs contains about 42 grains of solid constituents, consisting of sulphate of soda, above 18 grs.;

  1. It is a well-known fact that the cooler the water, the more carbonic acid gas it absorbs and retains.