Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/19

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affections of the bronchial tubes; morbid hiccough; tendency to erysipelas; different chronic eruptions and ulcers, as well as cellular indurations of the skin; gout in all its different forms; piles; some forms of scrofulosis and chlorosis; chronic poisoning with arsenic, lead or mercury; tendency to hypertrophy of the heart (although unable to cure heart disease, its presence is no impediment to the use of these waters); hypochondria and some hysteric affections; different forms of pain, as headache, neuralgia of the face, cardialgia, colic, lumbago, pains in the back, &c.; spasms; certain paralytic affections of the limbs; tendency to apoplexy; giddiness; want of sleep as well as somnolency; certain mental diseases; affections of the ear, such as certain kinds of bad hearing, tingling of the ears, and discharge from them; some diseases of the eye, as tendency to inflammation, &c., especially if these ailments are of a more secondary nature.

As the mineral waters of Carlsbad act in a preventive, prophylactic way, they can be recommended for their quick, safe, and pleasant influence in all those affections, arising, sooner or later, from sedentary habits, and often connected with free living and irregular action of the bowels. The patient feels unwell without being really ill; going up stairs, and even stooping, are accomplished with