Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/21

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the weather allows of walking or riding in the beautiful and rich scenery surrounding Carlsbad.

Any one of the springs is adapted to a perfect cure, but it is generally advisable to commence with the cooler waters, principally that of the Marktbrunn, then, after a time, to use the hotter springs, and finish with the Sprudel. At first, from one to four tumblersful are to be taken daily, according to the nature of the case; and it is an unusual thing at present for the patient to drink more than six tumblersful daily. The waters are to be taken in the morning before breakfast, commencing at about six o’clock, a tumblerful being taken (slowly and in small quantities at a time) every fifteen, twenty, or thirty minutes, a walk being taken in the intervals; after taking the last tumblerful, it is advisable to take a longer walk on level ground, and not to begin breakfast before the lapse ofan hour. Recently, many patients have, been in the habit of drinking one or two tumblersful of cold or hot mineral water at home, immediately after rising; those suffering from habitual constipation may also take one tumblerful before going to bed. In cases of acute and chronic diarrhœa, the Sprudel can be resorted to, at first, in doses of from two to four half-tumblersful daily, or one tablespoonful every half-hour or hour. Generally, it is best to drink as much as will be