Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/25

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and raw fruit are generally classified as objectionable; it is, however, decidedly a mistake to think them so. It is not the waters, but the constitution of the patient, that causes some kinds of food to be objectionable. The mineral waters of Carlsbad, if not used in excess, are of the most innocuous kind ever known, and allow persons, possessing a good digestion to eat or drink what they like, provided everything is used in moderation. Considering these, facts, the principal rule (as already remarked by such an authority as Dr. Becher) with regard to the diet whilst taking the waters is moderation, rather than anxious selection of food. People who want to lose 20 or 30 pounds of accumulated fat, should avoid, or at least consume very small quantities of, such articles of food as are calculated to produce fat. All kinds of puddings, German rolls, called Semmel, potatoes, &c., sugar, milk, beer are forbidden in these cases. Weak and thin persons who want to gain and not lose weight, should live quite differently; they should not be abstemious, but live well, and not, as is commonly believed and maintained, discontinue eating and drinking when only half satisfied. Here we can best quote Goethe’s words, “The same thing is not fit for everybody.”

Generally breakfast should consist of one or two cups of coffee, with but little either milk